Academic Open Internet Journal ISSN 1311-4360

Volume 17, 2006




Computer presentation of clothing construction


Dr. Eng. Galia Georgieva Dolapchieva

Thracian UniversityStara Zagora

Technical college – Yambol





The rapid development of the information and communication technologies changes the model of education. The computer technologies play an important role in the organization of the educational process, because they allow knowledge to be presented in a new way, corresponding to a higher level of preparation of students and are in harmony with the important changes in the conditions of the information society.

         Their advisable utilization is required in the education, both for introduction of clarity, synthesized orderliness of the curriculum as well as for the analytical modeling of the dynamic processes and situations. The last can be achieved through dynamic graphics [4].

          The computer technologies allow the process of geometrical unfolding in the clothing construction to be presented in its continuity and dynamics. 

          For working out of the main constructive design is necessary for the modeler to have at his disposal certain quantity of measurements characterizing the human body. During the taking of the measures and geometrical unfolding of the clothing are used formulas obtained on the basis of the mathematical analysis and proven relations between leading and subordinate measurements. Before advancing to the geometrical construction, preliminary calculations are made of the constructive sections that can’t be measured directly on the body. The order in the geometrical unfolding of the construction begins with drawing of the network of the constructive draft. The network of the draft represents a combination of all vertical and horizontal lines, which determine the size of the main parts of the clothing. After that comes drawing of the back and the front part of the product.

         With the help of Macromedia Flash it is possible to be made an all-round development of the lesson in construction and modeling of the clothing fig.1. Macromedia Flash is fully programmable and uses its own language – Action Script; with the help of which can be made fascinating graphics and animations, which when used in education arouse interest in the students. The usage of the software includes the following stages:


1)                  Creation of a new Macromedia Flash document;

2)                  Insertion of a key frames in the timeline (temporal order);

3)                  Determining the frame rate of the document;

4)                  Importing of the sound in the document;

5)                  Exporting the document in a format compatible with Macromedia Flash.











         In order to be traced the process of clothing construction are made frames. The frame is a temporary element, containing a fragment of the succession in the construction. All frames are then included and arranged in succession. Each frame covers a fixed period of time. The movement of the animation can be controlled in the timeline. The speed of the animation can be decreased or increased. But when slow speed of perception is used the animation moves slowly [5]. This possibility can be used in the school hour, as the speed of the animation is set according to the abilities and the speed of drawing of the students. The teacher has the possibility to control the length of time needed for presentation of each frame, the time for pause or time for stopping, according to the individual constructive abilities of the students. In this way the students have opportunity to perform the appropriate constructive operation.

         The importing of sound in Flash is one of the most – effective abilities of the program. Through the sound recording students perceive easier the operations involved in the clothing construction. The selection of the explanatory text or melody depends on the kind of the lesson, the abilities and knowledge of the people studying and the preferences of the teacher.

         The education, aided by computer is a continuation of the efforts for achieving of high effectiveness. 





1.      The computer presentation of clothing construction, allows the geometrical unfolding of the products to be presented in a new way, corresponding to a higher level of preparation of the students.

2.      The use of computers in the educational process is a modern and effective way for education.





1.      Gindev G., Petrov H., Modeling and clothing construction, Tech., Sofia, 1992

2.      Gindev., G. Dolapchieva, G., St. Milusheva. Ladies’ intimate underwear. Grading based on proportions – Textiles-clothing, 2000, ¹6

3.      Blake Bonnie, Sahlin Doug How to do everything with Macromedia Flash MX 2004, transl. issue  Soft Press, 2005

4.      Manchev J., Education and screen, Sofia, 1988

5.      Macromedia Studio MX 2004, issued by Alex Soft, 2004

6. National educational network of the schools in Bulgaria





















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